Category Archives: Online dating

Etiquette for a wedding guest list

One of the most challenging aspects of wedding preparing is creating the marriage guest record, particularly with right decorum in head. Susan Norcross, owner of Philadelphia’s The Styled Bride, and Jove Meyer, a New york city-based wedding planner, shared their dos and do n’ts for navigating this crucial ( but stressful ) aspect of […]

Timeline for Planning a Wedding in Asia

The sooner you start planning, the better. The typical South Asian wedding takes between 10 and 12 month to prepare. It’s perfectly acceptable ( and also encouraged ) to do the legwork yourself with plenty of support from your family and friends, but having an suffered organizer on your side can help you avoid […]

Advantages of Dating Online

Online dating is a powerful tool that can help people who are n’t finding partners in their day-to-day lives find satisfying relationships. There are also its reviewers, who contend that hookups and shallowness are the norm in the modern world Nevertheless, a closer examination of the proof reveals that the advantages of online seeing […]